Вобщем если коротко: хампа олух. вместо веба он нанял аввейва, а слипанка сделал суперадмином. Насчёт lsl'а оказалось просто - у них с Круксом маленький гешефтик по наебанию хампы который крышуется самим хампой (ранее вебом), смотрите текст ниже и вы всё поймёте. Ну если хампа настолько глуп что не понимает как его за 100 баксов наебали на 500+, то флаг ему в жопу.
<hampa> avwave is going to do the coding instead of veb
[реклама вместо картинки]
<hampa> slipanc: ok, what do you need to admin the smod team?
<SlipAnc> bacially my acp a little more pimped
<SlipAnc> to have access to modify admin rights
<SlipAnc> and i wouldnt mind a ninja aswell
<hampa> k.. I'll set it up now
<SlipAnc> thanks
<SlipAnc> also, i'd need access to add IPs to the whitelist
<SlipAnc> is that possible?
<SlipAnc> since you're the only one capable of that ATM
<hampa> you are a super admin now
<SlipAnc> thanks
<hampa> np
<SlipAnc> hmm about the IP whitelist
* hampa меняет ник на hampa_afk
<hampa_afk> checking
<SlipAnc> avwave said somehting about that being apache related
<hampa_afk> oh.. you can't access admincp ?
<hampa_afk> oh.. k
<SlipAnc> i can
<hampa_afk> yeah, it needs to be entered in a text file
<hampa_afk> only me and avwave can do that
<SlipAnc> i mean so i can set up new users to ahve modcp access
<avwave> dont have access to www yet btw
<SlipAnc> smods that dont have it
<Hector> hampa_afk: have u banned lsl?
<hampa_afk> no
<Hector> why? numerous tc were stolen with his help and sold then
<Hector> I provided proofs
<hampa_afk> he told me he bought VIP for the tc
<Hector> what does it mean>?
<hampa_afk> crux buys subscription for players
<hampa_afk> that don't have paypal
<Hector> and how much has he bought? just wonder )
<hampa_afk> ~10 subscriptions
<hampa_afk> need to get some food
<hampa_afk> bbl
<SlipAnc> anyways hampa_afk: if you cant give me access to that then I'll just nudge avwave and yourself when i need IPs added
<SlipAnc> bonapetit
<Hector> ~10 subscriptions and 3kk tc sold
<Hector> nice rate
Отредактировано Hector (25.08.2010 17:19:14)